QM-Applied to HR
  Team-Builder Training Solution:

  Keeping the Promise ®
  of Quality Products and Services

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QM-Applied to HR
Curriculum Description

Each lesson has a specific Learning-Competency Objective.

Keeping the Promise ® of Quality Products and Services describes the essential fundamentals for maintaining quality standards and also provides insight into effectively modeling QM values in a business or NP culture.

QM and the Zero Defects Attitude
A Zero Defects Attitude is not just a concept for eliminating defects in a product or service; it is an attitude of the heart.  Similar to the “pride of workmanship,” it represents a desire to do things right, every time we take action.  It is not an attempt to achieve perfection but a commitment to make each customer’s experience as close to what was promised as possible.

Lesson 101: QM and Leadership
This lesson describes the Eight Attributes of a Quality Manager and how they affect our leadership in real-life tasks.

Learning-Competency Objective: The learner will gain specific knowledge of the Eight Attributes of a Quality Manager as a foundation for understanding all other course objectives.

Lesson 102: Learn the Essentials of QM
This lesson is divided into three parts: 1. QM Methods, 2. QM Values and 3. Having Reasonable Discussions in a QM Environment.  The history and language of QM are described as well as the practical fundamentals of managing quality.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of QM methods, values and language that will enable learning through the remainder of the course lessons.

Lesson 103: QM and Profitability
This lesson describes the guiding economic principles of Quality Management and how to achieve "complete profitability" in both business and nonprofit venues.

Learning-Competency Objective: The learner will gain specific knowledge of how quality is connected with and controls profitability in either a for-profit or a nonprofit venue.

Lesson 104: Commit to Personal Excellence
Success greatly depends upon a person's ability to perform with excellence.  In QM our goal is to make a reasonable promise to every customer based upon our ability to perform with excellence.   This lesson demonstrates how inspiration and planning can improve effectiveness.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of how to define and achieve reasonable standards for excellence.

Lesson 105: Press Toward Continuous Improvement
Setting productivity standards should be guided by our knowledge of the people who are to perform on our behalf.  This lesson describes the three streams of QM motivation and how to establish and achieve reasonable standards for quality.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of human motivation in the workplace and how to increase productivity and prevent errors.

Lesson 106: Measure Your Performance Accurately
Performance is measured in money and human values, especially when things go wrong.  This lesson describes how to accurately calculate the cost of quality, improve customer satisfaction and recover lost profitability.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of how to identify and define obstacles to workplace efficiency and calculate the costs to eliminate them.