Corporate Quality Manager
(Choose Business, Nonprofit or Academic Leadership)
QMI-KTP provides customized corporate learning and consulting services for Board Members and Senior Executives seeking to identify improvement initiatives and unify around their mission's values.  Dr. Kennedy personally facilitates these confidential learning environments for corporate governance and QM leadership.
There is a five-person minimum for this group seminar.
Dr. Kennedy will faciliate your "core leadership" via a live online (and confidential) learning group with customized objectives and private portal access to online training.  (Onsite Training is Available)

BronzeBullet  This is much more than a seminar.  You'll get application insights and      assistance in creating a plan of implementation for your objectives.

BronzeBullet  You can also become a Certified Corporate Quality Manager in only      eight (8) weeks, with unlimited access to an expert forum during the      span of your enrollment.

BronzeBullet  Choose from one of three training modalities: Business Leadership,      Nonprofit Leadership or Academic Leadership; each with an emphasis      on building a culture of corporate effectiveness.

QMI-KTP Affiliate Program Details and Pricing