BronzeBullet QM Leadership for Senior Business Executives
BronzeBullet QM Leadership for Senior Nonprofit Executives
Complete the Quality Manager Certification and then train
your entire staff for one full year with unlimited access to the
QM Course Resources and the Team-Builder HR Solutions.

BronzeBullet  Self-pace for 8 weeks to become a Certified Quality Manager and then
     use our staff training and HR toolkit for one year.  (Seminar tuition includes
     12-month access to the training websites and unlimited visits.)

BronzeBullet  Unlimited live classrooms and private forums for coaching and support in      applying QM to your business or nonprofit venue.  Submit your business      process, training or implementation questions for personal feedback.

Hire, Train and Retain Your Team with Unlimited Use of Our Online Resources
Create a Team that is focused, well-trained, productive and ready to compete for sales or attract loyal contributors.   Use our videos and Interactive Practice Exam Tutorials to train your employees and test their knowledge.

Get Help Along the Way Via FREE Live-Online Classes with Dr. Larry Kennedy
In these live Internet broadcasts, Dr. Kennedy will lecture, describe course details and answer questions about how to apply the training in your workplace.  If you’re late or miss class, you can watch the video replay.


BronzeBullet  In "flip" classrooms the learners first study the topic by      themselves: watching online videos, reading texts and      using our unique practice-exam tutoring.

BronzeBullet  Learners have unlimited access to our instructor-led, live,      online classrooms to learn how to apply the knowledge.