QM-Applied to HR
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   Team-Builder Retaining Solution:

   Train and Retain High-Performers
   with QM Administrative Skills

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QM-Applied to HR
Curriculum Description

Each lesson has a specific Learning-Competency Objective.

QM Administrative Skills describes the QM administrative principles for creating a culture of excellence, building and sustaining corporate growth and demonstrating emotional maturity in leadership.  The topics include a variety of human resource, problem-solving and customer service issues that will enable you to effectively manage people and maximize your influence.

The Fundamentals of Administrative Consistency
Administrative Consistency is a measure of our attention to details.   That includes keeping records that are required conform to laws, regulations, taxation, etc. - all the things that are required to manage an enterprise.
But it also places great value on the details your customers mention concerning delivery schedules, financing and their preferences for communications.  Paying attention to your customer and effectively handling simple administrative duties are essential to success in any enterprise.

Lesson 301: Establish Effective Communications
An effective leader must establish viable relationships and processes for doing business.   This lesson describes how to create the linkages required for smooth operations, including the Five Attributes of Reliable Communicators.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of the communications skills required to establish reliable business processes and relationships.

Lesson 302: Perform Each Task With Due Diligence
A reliable manager gives each fact, event, issue, or task the "diligence it is due."   This lesson describes the essential legal and fiduciary factors related to due diligence that are often overlooked.  It provides an easy-to-use administrative tool that can protect your career and livelihood from unfair legal entanglements.  (Includes the Value-Added Video: Philip Crosby's Details)

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge for applying “due diligence” to workplace details and the leadership skills required to manage risks.

Lesson 303: Monitor Every Process for Defects
Work processes must be monitored to be certain they produce outputs that are consistent with their purpose so that we can continue to keep our promises to our customers.   This lesson provides practical methods for acquiring information and deciding when, where and how corrective actions should be taken.  (Includes the Value-Added Video: Defect Cause Removal)

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of five methods for monitoring defects and how to use business metrics to isolate and eliminate the causes.

Lesson 304: Master the Art of Delegating Responsibility
Each time we delegate responsibility we are risking not only the success of our plans but our personal reputation as a manager because our stewardship will be judged by the skill and personality of people acting on our behalf.  This lesson describes how to choose the right people and manage their activities.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge about the Four Absolutes for Choosing Reliable People and how to unify around common goals.

Lesson 305: Manage Time and Information Wisely
Managing time and information begins with choosing how we’re going to spend our time.  If we manage time and information wisely, we can expect our career to be fruitful.  This lesson describes the four strategic disciplines that can convert what might appear to be routine business events into greater opportunities.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of the Four Strategic Disciplines for Managing Time and Information and how to measure the value of an agenda.

Lesson 306: Hold People Reasonably Accountable
To gain legitimate influence, leaders must demonstrate emotional maturity along with competence.   But when people doubt that a leader will be just and fair in the use of authority, they will express their insecurity in ways that create serious problems with quality and productivity.  This lesson shows how simple issues sometimes require extra-ordinary effort and progressive discipline.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of the Three Relational Principles for Creating an Open and Accountable work culture and how to apply them.

Lesson 307: Remain Honorable Under Pressure
Most of the bad conduct we attribute to the stress of work is traceable to deeply held fears about outcomes or the reliability of the leadership.  It’s difficult to know what someone is thinking, so we can’t be sure whether a person who is acting aggressively is truly just afraid of failing or is driven by bad motives.  This lesson provides practical guidance for leaders who are sorting through difficult issues.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of how to identify and manage the consequences of personal behaviors rooted in fear, insecurity and pride.

Lesson 308: Discern and Pursue the Just Cause
In the course of our routine duties, many decisions have to be made that require wisdom about people.   Discerning and judging is a learned skill that takes dedication and practice.  This lesson describes how to identify key issues that may be hidden in rhetoric and how to make reasonable choices.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of how to measure the reliability of information, avoid presuming, test and prove the facts, and act responsibly.

Lesson 309: Care About People
In a QM Keeping the Promise culture, leaders express their care for the customer by doing things right.  And, we express our care for our colleagues through acts of kindness, encouragement, and support when things go wrong.  This lesson encourages awareness and sensitivity to the needs of our staff and colleagues.

Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of how personal authenticity in our workplace relationships can create opportunities for great success.