Corporate Quality Manager
(Choose Business, Nonprofit or Academic Leadership)
You can be Certified in only 24 Hrs. Online with our "guided self-study" plan. Our live, online video sessions help direct you through your studies while QMI's easy-to-follow course syllabus provides simple "click by click" instructions for effective online learning.  Watch "How We Do It" Videos

Suggested Schedule for Self-Paced Online Study
24 Study Hours / Eight Weeks

Start anytime and you'll have 16 weeks unlimited access
to allow extra time for schedule conflicts, etc.


QM Leadership Essentials
Learners acquire the management tools to get impressive
results and establish an influential leadership style with
QM ethical,motivational and performance standards.


QM-WPA Project Management
Provides Work Process Analysis techniques to evaluate
work-flow efficiency and improve quality; or design and
market a new product or service with confidence.


QM-Admin for Corporate Growth
QM Administrative principles for creating a culture
of excellence, and problem-solving for a variety
of HR and customer service issues.