QM-WPA Project Management
A QMI competency certification provides employers with a reliable
assessment of achievement. Each lesson has a specific Learning-Competency Objective.
QM-WPA Project Management provides simple Work Process Analysis (WPA) techniques
to evaluate work-flow efficiency, create quality improvement projects,
or design and market a new product or service with confidence.
It illustrates the principles and methods
for envisioning, organizing and implementing a project for improvement, or a new
product or service. This course includes techniques for systematically applying creative
thinking and critical analysis to work flows and for establishing reasonable
standards for development are also described.
The lessons include detailed examples of how to acquire, document
and organize the data you will need to make your project decisions
more certain, select best practices and successfully implement a project on a tight budget.
Quality Manager Attribute 3: Process Quality
(Lessons 201 - 206)
(Lessons 201 - 206)
Process Quality is a measure of our mastery of planning and budgeting disciplines.
Applying the QM-WPA Project Management principles will enable a person with good ideas
to bring organization to his or her work, improve their communications skills and establish the
influence that is critical to career growth.
To consistently succeed as a manager, we must be able to effectively present the facts and figures that support our ideas because it's likely that someone, either a banker, investor or our superior at work is waiting for us to explain the costs and benefits of our project before it is approved.
To consistently succeed as a manager, we must be able to effectively present the facts and figures that support our ideas because it's likely that someone, either a banker, investor or our superior at work is waiting for us to explain the costs and benefits of our project before it is approved.
Lesson 201: Organize Ideas Into Work Processes
Our career is not measured by how many good ideas we have but by how many of them are accepted and implemented.
This lesson shows how to take creative advantage of opportunities to succeed.
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of the
concepts of Work Process Analysis and how to apply WPA to create reliable business solutions.
Lesson 202: Describe What Needs to Be Done
A consistently successful leader implements their vision by first defining specific outcomes and
then using a disciplined organizational approach. (Includes the Value-Added Video: Space Shuttle
Challenger's List.)
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of
how to evaluate an idea for a product, service or process improvement and use lists to manage the project.
Lesson 203: Research How to Do It Right
A skilled leader is able to get people to add value to his or her ideas. This lesson shows how
to effectively research the viability of a quality improvement project or a new product or service.
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of
how to research the design and market demand for a project and choose reasonable development actions.
Lesson 204: Calculate What It Will Cost
Each product or service requires specific human and material resources that must be carefully
defined and budgeted. This lesson describes how to accurately research costs. (Includes
the Value-Added Video: Economics Control Process.)
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of
how to calculate the costs of the resources for implementing a project and create a pro-forma budget.
Lesson 205: Decide on A Course of Action
Many people have "great" ideas that will ultimately be accomplished by someone else with greater
skills, better timing or other advantages. This lesson describes how to decide if a
project implementation should be attempted.
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of
how to eliminate the guessing and unfounded financial assumptions that create misguided project decisions.
Lesson 206: Implement the Project
Because work-process analysis eliminates most design errors, implementation errors are the more
common cause of early development failures. This lesson describes how to reliably implement a project
and control start-up expenses.
Learning-Competency Objective: The Learner will gain specific knowledge of
how to convert the research and design data into reliable steps for project implementation.